Grazing Box with Pinot Noir, Cheese and Charcuterie

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Surprise and delight your clients this Christmas with a grazing box brimming with award-winning Tasmanian cheeses, fresh charcuterie and a bottle of Pinot Noir. The perfect way to say thanks and share your best wishes.


  • Devils Corner Pinot Noir 12.5% ABV 
  • Wursthaus Terrine 150g
  • Wursthaus Trio of Sausage - Chorizo, Bierstick, Beef & Cheese Kransky
  • Pyengana Dairy St Colomba Blue Cheese 150g
  • Pyengana Dairy Traditional Cloth Bound Cheddar 150g
  • Tasmanian Baking Studio Sea Salt Crackers 175g

This product contains alcohol.

You must be 18 years or over to purchase this product, it is an offence for liquor to be delivered or consumed by a person under the age of 18 years.